Almost Famous should seal the deal. It’s pure pleasure. Just don’t expect the dark side. Not since A Hard Day’s Night has a movie caught the thrumming exuberance of going where the music ...
her brother's fame is too good to be true, but as the time passes, Shir realizes things may not be as great as they seem. Will a song win everything she dreams about now when it's almost famous?
Miller will get to see what goes on behind the scenes in a famous band, including the moments when things fall apart, and for him, it will be a period of new experiences and finding himself.
There are more ways to be involved in the world of music than being in a band. Maybe you’re a writer. Maybe you’re a particularly devoted fan. Almost Famous is a film that covers the gamut ...
See all our Netflix movie of the day picks ... a bright and breezy coming of age tale set in rock's golden era, Almost Famous is a delight and the best use of Elton John's Tiny Dancer we've ...