Starring Marion Cotillard, who also headlined Innocence ... Suffice it to say that if you're looking for a Disney film or a horror flick, or perhaps both, The Ice Tower isn't really any of ...
Marion Cotillard is taking the blame for her awkwardly staged death scene at the end of Christopher Nolan’s final Batman film, “The Dark Knight Rises.” “I didn’t nail that scene ...
BERLIN, Feb 16 (Reuters) - French actor Marion Cotillard said her own public image is like the distorted reflections captured by the cursed camera in her latest film "The Ice Tower" - detached ...
Hear Adam Driver and Marion Cotillard Sing New Song from Their Upcoming Musical' Annette' Marion Cotillard, Adam Driver Musical 'Annette' to Open the 2021 Cannes Film Festival Marion Cotillard ...
For her transfixing fourth feature, she’s reuniting with Marion Cotillard after Innocence as well as her Earwig screenwriter Geoff Cox to loosely adapt Hans Christian Andersen’s “The Snow ...
Instead, she stumbles onto the set of a film starring legendary actress Cristina Van Der Berg (Cotillard), who’s playing the same snow queen-character we heard about in the opening fairytale.