Kryeministri në detyrë i Kosovës, Albin Kurti ka thënë se javën e ardhshme pritet që të bëhen të ditura rezultatet përfundimtare për subjektet politike në zgjedhjet e përgjithshme ...
Kosovo's acting Prime Minister, Albin Kurti, met on Wednesday with the Swedish Ambassador to Kosovo, Jonas Westerlund, with whom he discussed the latest developments in the country. In today's meeting ...
Kryeministri në detyrë i Kosovës, Albin Kurti takoi të mërkurën ambasadorin e Suedisë në Kosovë, Jonas Westerlund, me të cilin bisedoi për zhvillimet e fundit në vend. Në takimin e sotëm Kurti dhe ...
The Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, held a meeting with the Ambassador of Finland to Kosovo, Matti Nissinen, where a number of issues of common interest were discussed. According to the media ...
Outgoing chairman of Ikoyi Club 1938, Tafa Zibiri-Aliu, says he is happy with the noble achievements he recorded while at the helm of the club just as he stated that the club will continue to ...
Kryeministri i Kosovës, Albin Kurti, gjatë kohës së fushatës zgjedhore foli në disa raste për një krizë të thellë ekonomike në Gjermani, duke konkluduar se motori ekonomik i Bashkimit Evropian është ...
Stay tuned!” Former NHLer Akim Aliu, who’s also known for his work trying to expand diversity in hockey, clashed with Subban in a lengthy post of his own. Here’s what Aliu had to say, calling Subban ...
P.K. Subban's former teammate Akim Aliu has labeled him a "disgrace" in a lengthy rant for endorsing U.S. President Donald Trump's "51st state" remark. Subban expressed his excitement over Trump's ...
The 4 Nations Face-Off final between Canada and the United States has taken on increasingly geopolitical dimensions as of late. U.S. President Donald Trump's rhetoric toward America's neighbors is ...
Akim Aliu, a Ukranian-Canadian hockey player who has bounced around multiple countries, while playing seven games with the Calgary Flames in the NHL, responded to a post from Subban on X.
Former hockey player PK Subban has been branded 'a sell-out of the highest proportion' by fellow Canadian Akim Aliu, who accused the ESPN star of siding with 'the oppressor' Donald Trump ahead ...