Crooked Tail Cat Cafe will close ... and no one opens a cat cafe to get rich,” the business wrote. Cat cafe opens in Winston-Salem with nine kittens ready to play, available for adoption The ...
A 36-year-old man whipped two teens with a cat-of-nine-tails after “tempers became inflamed” during play fights, a court heard. Peter Anderson of Gott in Tingwall admitted two charges of assault when ...
Of those, 68 were convicted of a crime. Nine were sentenced for murder with sentences averaging 18 years and ranging from 81 months to life, the researchers found. Several dozen cases are still ...
Inmates at the Topeka Correctional Facility were given two kittens to get them adoption-ready and one cat for end-of-life care.
WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. — A local cat cafe is permanently closing one of its two locations. Crooked Tail Cat Cafe is a nonprofit where guests can grab a warm drink and snuggle up with adoptable cats.
Two house cats in Washington have tested positive for bird flu, likely from contaminated pet food. One was in King County, the other in Snohomish County. The Washington State Department of Agriculture ...
The 15-year-at-hard-labour sentence for convicted Portland farmer Cecil Moore was on Thursday set aside by a nine-member Appeal Court panel and a new prison term of 12 years and three months at ...