Captain Jean-Luc Picard commanded the USS Stargazer for 22 years before taking over command of the USS Enterprise-D in Star ...
One of the globally recognized sci-fi franchises that shaped pop culture for years is undeniably Star Trek which began with the original TV series in 1966.
With the rising cost of physical studio sessions, taking magazine-worthy professional headshots for your brand has become increasingly difficult. The solution? AI headshot generators.
Jean-François Richet, the screenwriter, filmmaker and producer behind some of France’s boldest thrillers such as “Mesrine” starring Vincent Cassel, has signed with CAA. Richet made a splash ...
Nickelodeon is continuing to build out the world of “Avatar: The Last Airbender” with the greenlight of the animated series “Avatar: Seven Havens.” The new 2D animated series will consist ...
For the third year, Dallas-based piercing studio Wildlike is offering free, professional headshots to help people refresh their LinkedIn profiles without the cost barrier. "This initiative ...
There’s something vaguely holy about “Lwa,” Fabiola Jean-Louis’s softly menacing effigy of a Haitian deity posed in a flood of daylight at the Gardner Museum. The handful of steps leading ...
Bilo kao kapetan Jean-Luc Picard u franšizi Zvjezdanih staza ili kao profesor Charles Xavier u Marvelovu serijalu X-Men, Sir Patrick Stewart obilježio je cijeli jedan žanr. Stoga su s oduševljenjem ...