A study conducted in China found that individuals with pronounced social anxiety tend to be less motivated to engage in ...
In a nutshell Physical appearance is the top motivator for exercise (24%), outranking physical health (19%) and mental health ...
In the future, therapies that focus on gut health—whether through diet, medication, or nerve stimulation—could be used to ...
Motivational messaging demonstrates significant impact on exercise adherence. Studies reveal that strategic mental messaging can override the brain’s natural energy conservation instincts ...
If you find yourself struggling to stay engaged, there are things you can do to get excited about doing your best. Here are five ways to boost your motivation at work.
leaders must reinforce motivation through intentional actions. Leaders can best support their employees by encouraging independence and providing helpful feedback. A recent study by Guo (2023 ...
A study of learning and the applications of national and international theory and research within learning contexts with an emphasis on contemporary learning themes. The fourth number of the course ...