Suffolk County and BusPatrol mailed a ticket to a Missouri man who said neither he — nor his Audi — had ever driven on Long ...
The Hillsboro Police Department is condemning any driver who ignore the stop sign on a school bus while children are loading ...
New videos recorded on Hillsborough County Schools buses show several drivers failing to obey school bus stop signs.
The Centre Police Department has announced a strict enforcement policy in response to numerous complaints about drivers ...
Kimberly school bus drivers have reported 76 drivers to police for failing to stop as students get on & off the bus.
Parents in Norman raising concerns after seeing drivers ignore school bus stop signs. Why parents are calling for accountability, and how police are responding.
“Can we put in speedbumps? Can we put in the big yellow caution signs saying ‘School bus stop ahead?’ We dont have any of that on this road,” the mother said. News 2 has contacted the ...
PENINSULA, Ohio (WOIO) - A Summit County school bus driver ... and as she ran to catch the bus it drove away. That’s when she ran ahead of the bus, trying to get it to stop.
WAUSAU, Wis. (WSAW) - The Wausau Police Department is reminding drivers of school bus safety after repeated issues of drivers not stopping for the red flashing lights and stop signs as bus drivers ...
more than 100,000 drivers have been caught ignoring school bus stop-arm signs that direct drivers to stop. In this photo made Thursday, Oct. 27, 2016, a camera sits mounted next to a school bus ...
Two teenagers are charged for a Feb. 26 shooting that police say targeted a kid exiting an Alton school bus. Daniel Coalan ... about ways the community can stop this type of violence.