Per- and polyfluoroalkylated substances are synthetic chemicals that are widely used in our daily lives and in industrial ...
"Forever chemicals" were recently found above levels currently considered safe in a handful of NSW drinking water sources.
The study is particularly significant because it could help explain the association between these plastic-derived chemicals ...
Investigations by European NGOs and newspapers point to a concerted industry campaign to limit incoming EU restrictions on ...
Fertilizers that contain treated sewage tainted with toxic PFAS chemicals can be spread on farmland and pose a health risk to ...
Food produced on farms whose land was contaminated with toxic “forever chemicals” may pose a risk to human health, according ...
The US could be the beneficiary of a potential blanket ban on the use of PFAS, better known as ‘forever chemicals’.
A study from the University of Notre Dame has revealed that premium smartwatch bands made from fluoroelastomer contain toxic ...