Discovery is our platform that provides a single point of online access to catalogue and organisational data from across the archive sector. You can still access the data from our annual Accessions to ...
The National Archives is home to millions of historical documents, known as records, which were created and collected by UK central government departments and major courts of law. For example, we have ...
A monthly round-up of news, blogs, offers and events.
A monthly round-up of news, blogs, offers and events.
This letter was written by Lieutenant Colonel, Alexander Leslie of the 64th Regiment of Foot to Lord Viscount Barrington, the Secretary at War. Leslie was writing from his barracks at Castle William ...
During the five days 5th to 9th December the greater part of Metropolitan London was continually enveloped by smoke-laden fog. There was for this period a spectacular rise in deaths registered in ...
A meeting of the town of Portsmouth, New Hampshire concerning their grievances. The Inhabitants of the Town of Portsmouth, at a Legal MEETING held on Thursday the 8 th Day of December 1774, passed the ...
I regret to report serious reverse. I moved in full strength from Camp near Chieveley this morning at 4am. There are two fordable places [where the river could be crossed] in the Tugela and it (was) ...
I wish to give you notice especial to those which has sworn to be connstable in order to graspe Becca and her children but I can sure you that it will be to hard matter for Bowlin and company to ...
Following a recent Archive Service Accreditation Panel, the UK Archive Service Accreditation Committee is pleased to announce that the following archive services have been awarded accredited status ...