Even the works that bristle with feminist energy often deploy humor and irony; they are more cerebral than agitated.
The film "Drawing A Portrait" emphasizes the art of portrait drawing, focusing on capturing accurate likenesses rather than mere character studies. It discusses various techniques for positioning the ...
Shortage of anatomy professors in medical colleges addressed by NMC draft allowing non-medical graduates to teach anatomy.
An 8-ender in curling is one of those rarest of sports birds. It’s up there with angling for a 6-pound perch, three ...
In tense political times, can “The Great One” be both a Trump supporter and a beloved hero in Canada? Some want him to pick a ...
In a tribute to Murray McKay, who died last spring, 46 artists have contributed drawings, paintings and sculptures of him for ...
The Columbus Recreation and Parks Department's cultural arts center will cease using nude models in its art classes for ...
Buffalo-based multimedia artist Amanda Besl's "Temple of Hortus" opens March 27 in the Center for the Arts gallery.
Grey's Anatomy's' 21 seasons have seen a rollercoaster of love stories, but in real life, much of the cast has been married to their partners for decades ...
US millionaire Bryan Johnson’s share has sparked a debate on social media. While most found it "disturbing," a few said they appreciated its beauty.
“We cannot judge exactly how relevant the span of the hand is for the art of a musician,” Otte says. And he insists that his research not be interpreted as conditioning Bach’s musical ...