This means it’s possible to short circuit an LED strip without actually tripping the overcurrent protection on something like an ATX power supply, which may be fused at well over 10 amps.
Due to the voltage drop over the length of the strip most LED strips require power to be supplied at different intervals depending on the bulbs and wiring. Failure to supply enough current to the ...
As it turns out, the controller briefly shorts the LED strip’s supply voltage to generate data ... nF buffer capacitor across the ATtiny’s power pins, [Tim] was able to turn an LED on and ...
What does it all mean and how do you choose? 12V or 24V? Match the voltage of the LED strip to the voltage of power source ...
There's a power switch at the top, and a green LED indicator ... clear-cut power strip if you’re mostly just looking for a way to not overload outlets in your home. Doesn’t supply enough ...