Pluto may have got romantic to capture its largest moon, colliding and engaging in a passionate but icy 10 hour kiss with ...
Moon has been Earth’s celestial companion for over four billion years. However, the formation of this natural satellite was ...
Discover 10 fascinating apocalyptic theories about how the universe might end, from the Big Crunch to vacuum decay. Explore ...
Pluto's big moon Charon may have a different origin story than scientists suspected. New research suggests the two bodies ...
Physicist Alan Guth, the father of cosmic inflation theory, describes emerging ideas about where our universe comes from, what else is out there, and what caused it to exist in the first place.
“Because Pluto is rotating rapidly prior to the collision, and because Charon lies mostly outside of their corotation zone, ...
Researchers have unveiled a cosmic cycle where carbon, created in the explosions of stars, travels through space via a ...
A new study proposes a 'kiss and capture' collision theory to explain the origins of Charon, Pluto's largest moon, shedding ...
For his next trick, your cosmic correspondent for the past quarter ... It was the missing key to physicists’ best, but still unsatisfying, theory of nature yet, called the Standard Model.