Jani Yusof, a man with disabilities, will soon have a more comfortable home for his wife and three children with assistance ...
KUALA NERUS: Life’s hardships have forced a disabled man to feed his family with expired food to survive. Jani Yusof, 62, from Kampung Darat, Batu Rakit here said that every day, he and his wife, ...
Life’s hardships have forced a disabled man to feed his family with expired food to survive. Jani Yusof, 62, from Kampung ...
Coalition deputy chief Hamzah Zainudin held a lunch with the chief and senior editors of several Chinese-language news outlets to listen to their views... Please join the Malaysiakini WhatsApp ...
Abu Bakar Siddique expressed his appreciation for the song's lyrics, stating that they deeply moved him. He shared that after composing the tune, he found it personally enjoyable, and following ...
Abu Bakar Ash Shiddiq merupakan satu dari sekian banyak sahabat Rasulullah SAW. Ia juga termasuk Assabiqunal Awwalun yaitu orang-orang yang pertama memeluk Islam. Menukil dari buku Kepemimpinan Abu ...
Abu Dhabi’s PureHealth Holding PJSC is buying a majority stake in a Greek hospital chain from CVC Capital Partners, bolstering the emirate’s efforts to expand into the sector and diversify its ...
Nabi sangat senang dengan Abu Bakar sehingga dia memberinya gelar As-siddiq , yang berarti 'seorang mukmin sejati dan teguh'. TIBUNPONTIANAK.CO.ID- Abu Bakar as-Siddiq termasuk as-Sabiqµn al-awaalun, ...
Abu Dhabi-based Modon Holding PSC has bought a stake in the London skyscraper that will house Ken Griffin’s Citadel and Citadel Securities once complete. The company purchased 50% of the 2 ...
The GRS chief says opposition leader Hamzah Zainudin should leave his politicking in West Malaysia, after he used the term ‘palui’ at a ceramah last week. Gabungan Rakyat Sabah chairman Hajiji ...